Pastor Navin Samuel


Pastor Navin Samuel

My name is Navin Samuel. I am from Tamilnadu and live in Bangalore for the past 17 years. I was born and raised in a christian family. However, I was not born again and living a life without purpose. In the year 2009, the Lord intervened in my Life through gospel messages which changed my life to think about eternity and God’s purpose in my life. My life took a complete shift and I had a strong conviction on the inside to leave the worldly, sinful life to pursue God.  I thank the Lord for His grace which led me to the path of salvation. Soon after that I made a covenant with the Lord in water baptism. 

In the year 2010, while I was looking for a church for fellowship, a friend of mine introduced me to Jubilee revival AG church and since then I have been a part of the church. The Lord graciously moulded me over time to grow in faith and in the path of discipleship. This is the church where I found my true potential in Christ through the solid teaching of God’s word.

I thank God for opening a door through this church to serve Him under the mentorship of our senior pastor Rev.Samuel Jeyaraj. 

On the personal front, I am married to Carol for the past 14 years and blessed with an 8 years’ old son, Caleb Nathanael and together we are committed to serve the Lord.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer science from MK university and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Anna University and currently working in a secular firm as a Director while serving the Lord.